Your Horse Farm An Equestrian Lifestyle Blog - Resources for Every Horse Farm 2025-02-17T14:57:45Z WordPress Casie Bazay <![CDATA[A Guide to Forage-Based Feed Products]]> 2025-02-17T14:57:45Z 2025-02-17T14:57:45Z Yes, bagged feeds can provide energy and calories, as well as vitamins and minerals for horses, but forage is what best supports their gut health. In fact, the average 1,000 lb. horse will need to eat approximately 15-20 pounds of forage per day. For most horses, pasture grass and/or hay are sufficient in meeting their...

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Debbie Disbrow <![CDATA[RAMM 2025 SPRING SALE]]> 2025-02-06T19:21:16Z 2025-02-06T19:21:16Z

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Emily Fought <![CDATA[5 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day at the Barn-There’s nothing wrong with having a horse as your valentine.]]> 2025-02-03T14:20:06Z 2025-02-03T14:20:06Z Some like flowers or jewelry, while other indulge in chocolate and various sweets. If you’re a horse, you might prefer a molasses cookie and good grooming session. Equestrians are not immune to this holiday. In fact, many celebrate it with their horse and barn buddies! There’s nothing more special than the bond between a rider...

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Casie Bazay <![CDATA[The Amazing Horse: Fun Facts About Our Beloved Equines]]> 2025-01-08T15:18:05Z 2025-01-08T15:18:05Z Record-Holding Horses The record for the highest jump ever made is held by a horse named Huaso, ridden by Captain Alberto Larraguibel. On February 5th, 1949, the duo jumped 8 feet, 1.25 inches (2.47 meters) in Vina del Mar, Chile. Sampson the Shire holds the world record as the largest horse. Foaled in 1846 in...

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Emily Fought <![CDATA[Staying Warm in the Winter]]> 2025-01-08T13:59:57Z 2025-01-08T13:57:06Z If your clothes are too bulky, you’ll struggle in the saddle. On the other hand, if you don’t have enough layers you’ll be freezing and miserable. The key is finding the right clothes for the job! Winter Barn Attire Stable Temp Merino Wool Quarter Zip Top (, $99.00, Kerrits Base layers are so important when...

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Casie Bazay <![CDATA[The Bashkir Curly Horse]]> 2024-12-06T17:50:38Z 2024-12-06T17:50:38Z If so, it was likely a Bashkir Curly horse. This  breed was once suspected to have originated in Russia, but now researchers aren’t exactly sure of the origins the Bashkir Curly. Due to depictions of curly-haired horses in China as far back as 161 A.D, however, they do believe the Bashkir Curly is an ancient...

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Emily Fought <![CDATA[Caring for Your Horse’s Hooves in Winter]]> 2024-12-03T13:41:22Z 2024-12-03T13:41:22Z You may be pulling out your horse’s blankets and adjusting their grain ration, but don’t forget about their hooves. In the winter, your horse’s hooves will need some extra care to thrive. Winter Hoof Care Tips  In warmer climates, mud can become a real issue. When it’s not quite cold enough for the ground...

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Una Schade <![CDATA[The Importance of Regular Vet Check-Ups for Your Horse]]> 2024-12-02T18:05:12Z 2024-11-21T13:22:47Z Among the most crucial aspects of equine care is maintaining a regular schedule of veterinary check-ups. These visits are vital not only for addressing health issues but also for preventing potential problems before they become serious. Regular veterinary care is indispensable for your horse’s health and well-being. Early Detection of Health Issues One of the...

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Casie Bazay <![CDATA[7 Tips for Winter Barn Prep]]> 2024-11-07T19:31:51Z 2024-11-07T19:31:51Z If you haven’t already done so, you might want to start preparing your barn for the upcoming winter season. Depending on the climate you live in, barns can be critical protective structures for our horses and other livestock during the coldest months of the year. With that in mind, here are a few items to...

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Emily Fought <![CDATA[How to Desensitize Your Horse-You can reduce your horse’s reaction to scary objects.]]> 2024-11-05T14:38:36Z 2024-11-05T14:38:36Z Simply put, it helps the horse to overcome their natural flight response. They’re rewired to react more calmly and use the “thinking” side of their brain. In time, the horse gets a boost of confidence and they learn to trust their handler or rider. There are many different methods of desensitizing a horse. Some are...

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